Rahala Club
Travel Tuesdays: Interview with Jameela of Diary of an Expat
On Tuesdays, Besudesu Abroad would like to feature another really awesome traveler in various forms. Some Tuesdays may be interviews, while other may feature guest posts, videos and more!
This week we would like to introduce Jameela of Diary of an Expat. Jameela likes to think of herself as a serial expat, not because she’s lived everywhere but because she just can’t live in the same place too long. A few years ago she would just jump in a plane and go but now she has a family so she needs more planning and security. Luckily her husband and children love traveling too. They all have the travel bug so they enjoy planning, moving, settling down and discovering new things together.
1. What inspires you to travel, and how would you define the word ‘traveler’?
I’m a bit restless, I get bored of my surroundings (people, places, routine…) very fast so I move. Do you know that impression that you’ve lost your marks when you arrive somewhere new? I crave that feeling, for me it’s a chance to start again from scratch, like a blank page.

A traveler is one who likes to go places (far or close) without prejudice, one who doesn’t believe in stereotypes and prefers to discover things for himself.
2. For those who don’t yet know you, can you explain your travel style?
I travel for 2 reasons: to visit family in France and Tunisia, or to move to a new country. My expat travels only have one direction though, forward! I don’t retrace my steps… a new place is only home long enough to plan the next move.
3. How do you afford your travels?
قلعة ألموت Alamut Castle
mountain fortress located in Alamut region in the South Caspian province of Daylam near theRudbar region in Iran, approximately 100 km (60 mi) from present-day Tehran. The name means "Eagle's Nest".[1]:23
Under the leadership of Hasan-i Sabbah, Alamut became the site of intense activity for the Shi'a Nizari Ismai'li, along with a smaller subgroup known as the Assassins, between 1090 and 1256 AD. During the medieval period, the castle functioned as the major stronghold of the Nizari Ismaili state. In 1256, Ismaili control of the fortress was lost to the invading Mongols, and its famous library holdings were destroyed when the castle’s library was condemned to be burned by Ata-Malik Juvayni, a servant of the Mongol court. Sources on the history and thought of the Ismailis in this period are therefore lacking and the majority extant are written by their detractors.
After the Mongol destruction, the castle was of only regional significance, passing through the hands of various local powers. Today, it lies in ruins, but because of its historical significance, it is being developed by the Iranian government as a tourist destination.
لم يعرف الباني الأساسي للقلعة، ويقال أن من بناها هو أحد ملوك الديلم القدماء وسمّاها (ألوه أموت) ومعناها عش النسر، ثم جددها حاكم
علوي عام 860، وبقيت في أيديهم حتى دخلتها طائفة من الإسماعيلية ويسمون الحشاشين بواسطة أميرهم حسن الصباح بتاريخ 7 رجب 483 هـ / 4 أيلول/سبتمبر 1090 فطرد الحاكم منها، وقيل أنه اشتراها منه ب 3000 دينار ذهبي. ويوجد منها الآن حوالي بقايا خرائب بالجوار ل23 مبنى كانت مكتبات وحدائق. بقيت تلك الطائفة موجودة حتى دمرها هولاكو وهو في طريقه لغزو بغداد بتاريخ 15 كانون الأولديسمبر 1256. كانت القلعة حصينة جداً، لكن ركن الدين خورشاه وهو آخر أمراء الحصن استسلم بدون قتال على أمل أن يرحمهم هولاكو وهو مالم يفعله، فقد دمرها بالكامل.
في عام 2004، حصل زلزال قوي في المنطقة فخرب ما تبقى من الجدران الآيلة من الحصن.
قلعة ألموت -ولها نفس المعنى بالفارسية-وكر العقاب هي حصن جبلي موجود بوسط جبال. تبعد حوالي 100كم عن العاصمة طهران. ما تبقى من الحصن هو الخراب فقط
بني الحصن حوالي عام 840 وعلى ارتفاع 2,100 متر. وبنيت بطريقة أن لا يكون لها إلا طريق واحد يصل من وإليها ويلف على المنحدر مصطنع (المنحدر الطبيعي صخوره شديدة الانحدار وخطرة), لذلك أي غزو للحصن يجب أن يحسب له لخطورة الإقدام لهذا العمل.
Palau Island

Palau is an island country located in the western Pacific Ocean. Geographically part of the larger island group of Micronesia, with the country's population of around 21,000 people spread out over 250 islands forming the western chain of the Caroline Islands. The islands share maritime boundaries with Indonesia, the Philippines, and the Federated States of Micronesia.
Bora Bora Island - French Polynesia (Pacific Ocean)

Bora Bora is an island in the Leeward group of the Society Islands of French Polynesia, an overseas collectivity of France in the Pacific Ocean. The island, located about 230 kilometres (140 mi) northwest of Papeete, is surrounded by a lagoon and a barrier reef. In the center of the island are the remnants of an extinct volcano rising to two peaks, Mount Pahia and Mount Otemanu, the highest point at 727 meters (2,385 ft).
Iguazu Falls
Iguazu Falls, are waterfalls of the Iguazu River on the
border of Brazilian State Paraná and Argentine Province Misiones.
The falls divide the river into the upper and lower Iguazu. The Iguazu River originates near the city of Curitiba. It flows through Brazil for most of its course. Below its confluence with the San Antonio River, the Iguazu River forms the boundary between Argentina and Brazil.
The word "Iguazu" means:"water".
Legend has it that a god planned to marry a beautiful woman named Naipí, who fled with her mortal lover Tarobá in a canoe. In rage, the god sliced the river, creating the waterfalls and condemning the lovers to an eternal fall.
The first European to find the falls was the Spanish conquistador Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca in 1541.
Jeju Island - South Korea
Jeju Island, also known as the "Island of the Gods," is a popular vacation spot for Koreans and foreigners. It remains the top honeymoon destination for Korean newlyweds, and is also regarded as one of the top honeymoon destinations in the world.
Despite attempts to market the island as "the Hawaii of Korea," climatologically and geographically it bears little in similarity to the Hawaiian Islands in the U.S. The island offers visitors a wide range of activities: hiking on Halla-san (South Korea's highest peak) or Olle-gil(routes), catching sunrises and sunsets over the ocean, riding horses, touring all the locales from a favorite television K-drama, or just lying around on the sandy beaches.
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